The 2021 grant from the Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary is the 11th annual gift LCSC has received from the Foundation in support of our food, housing, mental health, and case management services. This year’s grant of $5,000 will be used to support our emergency food program and will allow LCSC to purchase healthy fresh produce from our partners, Mena Produce at the West Side Market, which will supplement the vital primarily shelf-stable food we can purchase from the Greater Cleveland Food Bank using our funding from Cuyahoga County. We are committed to providing the healthiest food choices possible to our clients, especially to children and seniors, who taken together now comprise almost 40% of our total client population. We anticipate continuing home delivery for the foreseeable future as COVID-19 continues to impact our communities’ most vulnerable residents.
About the Rotary International Foundation
At its 1917 convention, the outgoing Rotary president proposed setting up an endowment “for the purposed of doing good in the world.” That one idea and an initial contribution of $26.50 set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives around the globe. Since its founding, the Foundation has spent over $4 billion in life-changing sustainable projects.
Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Foundation
This year’s grants totaling $74,455 from the Lakewood-Rocky River Rotary Foundation will provide scholarships, encourage student achievement, fight hunger, and foster programs for community health and wellness. Each year, the Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River seeks grant applications from non-profit organizations that serve our youth, adults, and community within Lakewood and Rocky River. Since its creation in 1952 by then-Club President Carl Dryer, the Foundation has enabled the club to provide over $1.25 million in student scholarships and grants. This has been accomplished due to the generosity of the club’s philanthropic membership. For more information, go to lakewoodrockyriverrotary.org/.
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